Wondfo Pregnancy Test Strips (100pcs)

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About Wondfo One Step HCG Pregnancy Test Strips:

Detects the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin ("HCG"), which appears in urine very early in pregnancy. Regardless of the technical language, this test works just like most other pregnancy tests out there. It measures the levels of the pregnancy hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in your urine. This hormone is produced by the cells of the embryo that will later form the placenta. The level of hCG starts to increase from its basal level of less than 5 mIU/mL directly after implantation, and doubles about each 48 hours during the first weeks of pregnancy.


  • All tests FDA approved and over 99% accuracy

  • Easy to use
  • Will work 5 days before your missed period
  • Earliest detection, greatest sensitivity level - 25 mIU/mL
  • Results have been known to create big smiles and warmth in your heart!
Negative (not pregnant) :
Only one color band appears in the Control Zone. No apparent band
on the Test Zone. This indicates that no pregnancy has been
Positive (pregnant) :
Distinct color bands appear in the Control and Test Zones. It
indicates that you are pregnant. The color intensity of the test bands
may vary since different stages of pregnancy have different
concentrations of HCG hormone.
No visible band at all, or there is a visible band only in the test region
and not in the control region. Repeat with a new test kit. If test still
fails, please contact the distributor or the store, where you bought the
product, with the lot number.

NOTE: if the color in the Test Zone is weak, it is recommended that
the test be repeated in 48 hours.